Monday, November 5, 2012

How a Government Agency Values Diversity

It is interesting that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission focuses on diversity in how it puts together its organization, considering how serious its daily operations are. The NRC states that through heightened diversity in the workplace comes the opportunity to manage people and the company’s processes more effectively and efficiently.

The NRC defines diversity management as “creating a workplace where differences in heritage, background, style, tradition, and views are valued, respected, and used to increase organizational capacity.” The NRC believes this diversity will create more ideas and open people’s minds to new ways of thinking.

The commission requires diversity management to be a priority for all managers, executives and employees. The NRC particularly wants all employees to support what is called the Comprehensive Diversity Management Plan.

In addition, the NRC is committed to following objectives that fuel efficient and effective diversity management. Among them is improving communication, respecting and appreciating differences among individuals, and, when hiring, selecting the best qualified applicant no matter his or her race, national origin, gender, age, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or disability.

The NRC believes in selecting a group of diverse candidates for leadership programs, and the company thinks it has the ability to enhance uniformity in evaluating accomplishments. There is an emphasis on enhancing awareness and completing diversity management training to be a satisfactory employee.

Also, the NRC strives to develop anti-harassment procedures that focus on employees informing who they need to talk to, to process cases of harassment that is based on any form of discrimination.

Among its goals in relation to diversity management, the NRC strives to recruit diverse employees at all levels and to maintain a diverse employee base through promotion of an environment where differences are valued and everyone feels accepted and welcomed.

Tags: Nuclear Regulation Commission, Diversity, Diversity Management, NRC, Comprehensive Diversity Management Plan